Archive for the ‘Craig Valentine’ Category

6 Books to help with your presentations

October 31, 2008

When it comes to books that can help with your public speaking and presentations skills which books come to mind?

Today I thought I would share with you 3 of my favorite books and 3 books from Craig Valentine – 1999 World Champion of public speaking.

Carrol’s Books

  1. The Quick and Easy Way to Effective Speaking (Dale Carnegie) – Great introduction to public speaking
  2. The Comic Toolbox (John Vorhaus) – Looks at how to be funny, even when your not
  3. Metaphorically Selling (Anne Miller) – how to use Metaphors to sell, persuade & explain anything to anyone

Craig’s Books

  1. Influence (Robert Cialdini) – Provides principles for influencing others
  2. Never Be Boring Again (Doug Stevenson) – Outlines Storytelling tools for your presentations
  3. Made to Stick (Chip and Dan Heath) – Provides 6 tools to make your message memorable.

Sometimes the best books to help with your public speaking or presentation skills have nothing to do with the subject. What books do you use/recommend to help with your presentations?

Keep speaking – Carrol